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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Monday, September 9, 2013

OK...Just One More

While shopping at Michaels the other day, I spotted this hot pink Flamenco ruffle yarn on clearance for $1.99!  How could I not get it and make just one more scarf for the Pink Scarf Project?  I was all prepared to knit this scarf, like I have with other ruffle yarns, but the directions inside the wrapper called for crochet.  Let me tell you...crocheting these scarves is even faster than knitting them!  I had this scarf finished, photographed, and ready to mail in a matter of a couple of hours!


1. Jocelyn said...

Wow! Great job Susan. I do not know how to crochet, but I have seen my daughter just whipping that needle around. You have been a wonderful inspiration to me. Thanks for supporting The Pink Scarf Project. It seems like such a little thing to do to encourage these women who are in that battle.

2. Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

What a luscious shade of pink. I can see how you would not be able to resist it.

3. Barb said...

I just love those and you know pink is my favorite!!!

4. Jean said...

That is so pretty! I love the style and color!

5. MamaT said...

Love it! How sweet of you to share it!

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