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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Something tells me that the old Singers will still be sewing right along without skipping a stitch long after all the fancy-dancy computerized sewing machines are buried in the landfills!  Yes, my Janome is in the shop for repairs, so I pulled my 60 year-old Singer 301 out of the case to do a little sewing.  Without any coaxing at all, it sewed perfect stitches and straight seams all afternoon.  Age may be taking its toll on my Janome, but it certainly hasn't hurt this old Singer one little bit!


1. Needled Mom said...

Isn't it amazing? I love my old 301 too.

2. Brenda said...

I'm with you, sister!

3. Jean(ie) said...

They are workhorses, for sure!

4. Lane said...

If only I was aging as well as my vintage machines are. Lane

5. Kathy P said...

Old is good :)

6. Jean said...

It's those metal parts, I'm told!

7. Rene' said...

I'm happy with my Singer featherweight too.

8. Catherine said...

Yes I think you're right. I don't have an old Singer but I do have my Grandmother's treadle sewing machine that sews a beautiful straight stitch.

9. Jocelyn said...

I have to agree! They were built to last.

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