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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Pink Scarf Project

Have you heard about the Pink Scarf Project?  I didn't know a thing about it until last week when I saw that Jocelyn of Happy Cottage Quilter was knitting a scarf for the project and followed her link to 2 Bags Full.  Vicki has been collecting handmade pink scarves for the past year to donate to breast cancer patients.  To date, 300 scarves have been donated, which is quite impressive, but something in my gut tells me the need is greater than that.  I personally have three friends right now who are fighting the disease and that's not counting those who have already fought and won or lost the battle.  I wish I had found out about the project sooner, but it's better to be late to the party than to not show up at all!  I'm using super soft bulky yarn and size 15 needles, so I shouldn't have any trouble finishing at least one scarf before the October 1st deadline.


1. Jocelyn said...

Bravo! This is certainly a worthwhile project.

2. Jean said...

WHat a great project and your scarf is sure to be pretty!

3. N.C.Fabric Junkie said...

I would like to make one too. what pattern are you using for yours?

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