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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Monday, June 24, 2013


I'll admit that my idea to make my favorite colors block into a zip bag wasn't all that creative, but it sure was practical!  This bag is the perfect size to hold all of my travel sewing supplies! 


1. Diane said...

practical and used is sometimes better than creative and in a closet.

2. Chartreuse Moose said...

I've found I enjoy those items I can use without caution...even more than the prize winning finishes! Hugs!

3. Jean said...

What a great way to use that block!

4. Cheryl said...

Love the look , I made some with school fabric to hold pencils and pen's for my Grand daughter and put the heavy duty eyelets on for the note book, I also use the pot holder rings on some. her and friends loved them , in fact I need to make more and I love this idea too.I can use the 2" squares of all the school fabrics.

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