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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Laser Lines

I was grumbling about trying to cut a straight line while cutting some batting the other evening and my husband suggested using his laser level to mark the fabric.  Let me tell you, once in awhile the old boy comes up with a good idea and this one was one of his best!  This little gadget shot a nice straight beam of light, perfect for cutting batting.  This particular laser level is a Black & Decker 10' Beams and Chalklines Line Generator and sells at Lowes for under $15, but there are lots of models available at your favorite hardware store.  Any laser line would be a great investment for your sewing room!


1. Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

what a great idea! it is always so hard to cut a straight line when laying big things out on the floor and not having mats large enough for them

2. Terry said...

What a great idea! :0)

3. Needled Mom said...

That is brilliant!

4. Gypsy Quilter said...

Too cool!

5. shannon said...

great idea!! i too, have found lots of quilting notions in the hardware store :)

6. Jean said...

THat's a great idea! Men know about all the good tools!

7. Jackie's Stitches said...

Brilliant idea! This could also be a great tool to help square up quilts.

8. Jean(ie) said...

Smart man! I bet that's one of the many reasons why you married him. What a great idea!

9. Michelle said...

Awesome! Smart man!

10. Kathy P said...

What a great idea! I'm gonna use this one, for sure! Thanks!

11. Barb said...

that is soooo clever!!

12. Dora, the Quilter said...

What a great idea! I'm going to move mine to the quilting room!

13. Holly said...

Brilliant! Sometimes husbands can be really useful, ;-)

14. Loretta said...

Use the laser level??? Who'da thunk it? I LOVE the idea! I'll have to pull ours out and use it!

15. Michelle said...

My hubby just found one of those at goodwill. We have two other really nice ones. Im going to steal it!

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