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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Mug Rugs Or Desk Art?

Our two youngest granddaughters spent a couple of days with us this week and being that their mommy's birthday is coming up, we thought that it would be fun to make gifts for her.  I gave the girls some plain white fabric backed with freezer paper and had them draw pictures on it with fabric markers.  All it took after that was a quick heat set with the iron, a little backing, batting and easy grid quilting.  I just don't know if we should call them mug rugs or desk art!


1. Cheryl said...

Now those are cute ! Their Mom will love them.
This is something I should get the girls here to do..Maybe we will try that today, as I do have some fabric markers they keep trying to use on paper .
Thank you for posting this wonderful Idea!!

2. Needled Mom said...

I'd say they qualify for both. What a sweet idea!

3. Terry said...

Those are adorable! What a great idea! :0)

4. Quiltdivajulie said...

Those are treasures!!

5. Michele Bilyeu said...

No matter how they end up being used..they are the very best art form there is!!! I love children's art turned into just about anything, but with fabric and thread is as good as it gets in my opinion. Love them!

6. Barb said...

Your daughter will love these forever!!!

7. Madalene Axford Murphy said...

May I steal this idea? Might not use it for several months but it would be a great grandkid project.

8. Diane said...

what a fabulous gift idea and fun way to spend time w/ your grans!

9. Holly said...

I ought a pack of fabric markers yesterday....then saw this post tonight! Perrrrrrfect timing! Thanks for the idea!

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