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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Mama Said There Would Be Days Like This

Now I remember why I like quilting on a frame so much...you don't have to worry about the backing folding back on itself and getting caught up in the quilting!  #?darn*!  Mama said there would be days like this...time to break out the seam ripper.


1. andsewon said...

I feel ya! Happens to me every now and again!

2. Terry said...

Been there, done that! LOL

3. Sandra said...

The same thing happened to me yesterday! I ripped out about 8 inches of stitching. Today I will tackle the job of restitching. The worst part is connecting the new stitches with the old.

4. Needled Mom said...

Oh...if I only had a nickel for every time that happened to me!!!

5. Lane said...

Been there, hated that. Once I even got a whole different piece of fabric caught in my machine quilting. Lane

6. IHaveANotion ~ Kelly Jackson said...

Oh GEEZ! Now that is what I call a friends job. Give that to a friend and let them tear it out....LOL


7. Mary-Jeanine said...

Can I tell you how I solved this problem? I FMQ 2-3 quilts a month on my DSM, so I have a little experience. I baste the quilt with spray, and that means I can start quilting ANYwhere on the quilt, not just the center. So I FMQ the borders first, keeping an eye on the backing edges. Once the whole border is done, I can cut off the excess backing and batting. Now I can FMQ the rest of the quilt without worrying about the backing folding back. Enjoy!

8. Jean(ie) said...

UGH... I'm a pro at ripping, not so much at sewing. LOL!

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