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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Going In Circles

Here is my Going in Circles wall hanging that I started in the workshop with Gyleen X. Fitzgerald last month all finished!  The closet in my sewing room is full of unfinished projects from past workshops that will probably never be completed, so the fact that this one is finished less than a month after the workshop is testament to what a great workshop this was!


1. andsewon said...

Now that is a fun quilt! I am doing the clean out thing and found some UFO's I want to finish some not so much! I had one with watermelon slices done with the circle method so made a runner up!

2. Gypsy Quilter said...


3. Needled Mom said...

It is fabulous. She is coming to our guild next year and I am so excited.

4. Jean said...

Looks like fun, love the quilting. I won't quilt on anything without my frame and machine because of tucks.

5. Quiltdivajulie said...

It is definitely wonderful!!! I cleaned out UFO fabric purchases a while ago and it has felt SO good to see only what I WANT to work with in my studio . . . no guilt attached!

6. Barb said...

I love this quilt.....

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