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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Table Toppers

It's been a long hard winter for my mother-in-law.  Several seizures and illnesses combined with Alzheimer's Disease has caused a remarkable decline in her health over the past few months.  She has now reached a the point where she no longer requires the locked Alz Unit at her nursing home, so the decision has been made to move her upstairs to a regular room. I thought it would be nice if she had some new things for her new room, so made a couple of quick and easy table toppers for her nightstand and dresser.  With all the different colors, they really help brighten up the new room!


1. andsewon said...

How wonderful your MIL has made improvement enough to be moved from the locked unit!! Those toppers will brighten up her new room a lot!

2. Terry said...

I'm glad to hear she's gotten better. The toppers will look so pretty in her new room! :0)

3. Jean said...

So sorry to hear of her decline. Those toppers will look so cheerful and pretty in her room.

4. Michele Bilyeu said...

Very dear. Each and every thing we do carries such good, and caring and just plain loving energy. You are a caring daughter in law, Susan. And it's not easy lighting candles in the darkness...but you are doing it!

5. Jean(ie) said...

So sorry to hear of her decline. I'm glad you have the option to put her in a regular room and can surround her comfortably with some quilty love.

Hugs, my dear.

6. Needled Mom said...

It is such a sad journey, but I know that the bright and happy table toppers will cheer up the darkest days.

7. Quiltdivajulie said...

Sending hugs of understanding . . .

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