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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

And The Winner Is...

The winner of the hand-knit hedgehog with matching mug rug is...

#28. Lisa said...
I love hedgehogs! Oh Cupcake can live with me and Gilbert Giveaway! Perfect home! Lets see my favorite sweet treat is a caramel/chocolate sundae with nuts and whip cream from Dairy Queen! Thank you!

Congratulations, Lisa!

Thanks to everyone who visited Hanging On by a Needle and Thread and took the time to comment during the Sew, Mama, Sew! Giveaway Day.  I truly enjoyed reading each and every one of your comments!  If you didn't win and had your heart set on having a hand-knit of your very own, visit Half Pint Knits...new items are added frequently.


1. Jean(ie) said...

Congrats to the winner! Now I want some DQ! LOL!

2. Lisa said...

Oh I am so excited Cupcake will fit right in! Might even make a few blog appearances! I love mug rugs beautiful pieces of art! Thank you so much!

3. Jean said...

Congrats Lisa!

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