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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Sew, Mama, Sew! Giveaway Day!

Meet Cupcake, an adorable little hedgehog from Half Pint Knits!  Cupcake is a well mannered hedgehog and would never dream of poking anyone with her quills, but her eyes and nose may not be suitable for very young children.  Cupcake loves her sweets, so I made a cupcake print mug rug for her to help keep the crumbs off of your table top.  Would you like to give Cupcake a home?  Just leave a comment below telling me what your favorite sweet treat is.

The giveaway will close Friday, May 10th at 8:00 p.m. EST.  The winner will be drawn by Random Number Generator and announced on Saturday, May 11th.  The winner will be notified by email, so if you are a no-reply blogger make sure that you leave your e-mail address with your comment.

Visit Half Pint Knits Etsy Shop to find more hand-knit items for children of all ages!

Don't forget to check out all of the other fantastic giveaways this week at Sew, Mama, Sew!


1. Betsy said...

I would love it Susan, thank you for the chance

2. Terry said...

I'd love to give cupcake a home! Thanks for the chance! My favorite sweet treat is Dove Dark Chocolates. I love them! :0)

3. Teri said...

What a cute little critter. One of these days I am going to learn to knit. Thanks for the offering.

4. Kathy P said...

Anything chocolate is my favorite. Including chocolate cupcakes! This little guys is adorable and so is the rug! Thanks for the giveaway!

5. Jean said...

He is so adorable! and I love your mug rug too. I love strawberries and whip cream, chocolate chip cookies, brownies....did you only want one? Thanks for the chance to win such a cutie pie.

6. ytsmom said...

I love chocolate! Any kind of chocolate dessert is great!!

7. Stephanie said...

Awe, Cupcake is adorable. I would love to have her in my home. So would daughters, ten and three. Thanks for a chance.

8. Laurel said...

oh she would be beloved here with my three girlies... my favorite sweet treat is ice cream!

9. Joelle said...

I am not sure there is a sweet I won't eat- but I think my favorite is ice cream. Mocha almond fudge- yum. Every hedgehog needs a good home.

10. Sowing Stitches said...

I would happily give Cupcake a home! Oh my she is adorable!!! :) We would feast on cookies, pies, chocolates and gumdrops.

11. carrie e. said...

my favorite sweet is dark chocolate!!

12. Brooke said...

I like pudding in the winter and ice cream in the summer. Mmmmm! We had a baby goat last spring that my kids named Cupcake. It was so cute!

13. Anonymous said...

Hi Susan,

I would love the chance to welcome the little critter to our home.
My favorite treat is peanut butter and chocolate ice cream.
mcintoshsusan@hotmail dot com

14. Debra Lee said...

I love Coconut Meringue Pie!

15. Vicki H said...

I would give cupcake a wonderful home. I would even share my chocolate Hersey bar.

16. Amy said...

Definitely cheesecake! Thanks for the giveaway! Amy @ gasudimack(at)sbcglobal(dot)net

17. Shanny said...

Handsdown, ice cream. and peanut butter. and york peppermint patties.... I guess I shouldn't have said hands down LOL!

18. ~Laurie~ said...

Believe it or not, my favorite treat is simple. Not anything homemade - just a grocery store purchase. I LOVE Oreo cookies = so much so my dog is even named Oreo. There, the secret is out!! Thanks for the chance Susan :)

19. OnePerfectDay said...

LOVE the hedgehog! So cute!
Love your shop too.

I'm afraid I have to go for chocolate too....It's an addiction....

20. toffeepops said...

That is a cupcake I would love to cuddle...
I am pretty equal opportunity with chocolate - milk, dark, white... Today I indulged in some dark chocolate with peppermint cream. Mmmmmmm

21. Linda said...

My favorite sweet treat is chocolate candy, really anything chocolate. I love Cupcake. Thanks for the chance to win.

22. Rebeckah Austin said...

LOVE receses peanut butter cups :)

23. Bethany said...

fun fun. and my sweet treat is ice cream...yummy

24. EmileeHope said...

I almost always choose vanilla ice-cream or sugar cookies to fill my sweet tooth cravings!

25. Unknown said...

Creme Brulee!

26. Lisa said...

I love hedgehogs! Oh Cupcake can live with me and Gilbert Giveaway! Perfect home! Lets see my favorite sweet treat is a carmel/chocolate sunday with nuts and whip cream from Dairy Queen! Thank you!

27. Michelle said...

So cute! I love Jelly Belly jelly beans. Thanks for the chance to win!
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com

28. Richelle said...

So cute! I love anything with chocolate and peanut butter.

29. Dreaming Monet said...

She is adorable!!!! We would love to give her a home. I like chocolate the very most of all, but now I'm craving a cupcake... ;-) Thanks for the chance to win.

30. Emily said...

I love hedgehogs. I also love chocolate, but my favorite are chocolate eclairs!


31. Stephanie said...

chocolate cake!

32. Christine S said...

Super cute!! I love cheesecake!

33. Leo said...

my favourite sweet treat is raspberry with cream sponge anything (cake, roll ... )

34. N.C.Fabric Junkie said...

oh thats easyyyyy its got to be anything with pecans in it! pecan bars, pies ect.

35. Maroesja said...

Cupcake is adorable!My favorite treat is chocolate. Good quality chocolate.

36. Heidi said...

What a sweet little guy! My daughter would love to give him lots of cuddles. Around here, banana bread is our go-to sweet indulgence. We always seem to have a few overripe bananas hanging around, and it's hard to resist throwing together a quick loaf.

37. principeta said...

So cute,love the mug rug too.We could give it good home.My favs are ice-cream,cheesecake and chocolate.Amazing giveaway,thank you for the chance to win it.

38. Joy said...

Swedish Fish are my all-time favorite sweet treat.

39. Lindsay @ 402CenterStreet.blogspot.com said...

I am a sucker for sweet fruity candy, Skittles, Starburst, gummy bears. . . I'm not picky! :)
Love, love, love the hedgehog! Thanks for the chance to win.

40. Missenota aka Kristin S. said...

Cupcake is sweet! AndI love that you made her a little quilt. :) As for my favorite sweet treat - I love those chocolate oranges that you 'whack and unwrap' - I like to dip the wedges in hot tea so they get "melt-tiddy"

41. Holly said...

What an adorable critter! My favorite treat is ice cream.

42. Southern Gal said...

There isn't a sweet I would turn down. I love them all. Thanks for the chance.

43. Georgia said...

I love ice cream in any season! :)
peachstateme (at) hotmail (dot) com

44. Rachel Martorano of Ravens Rascals said...

Cupcake is soooo cute!

My favorite sweet treat is salted caramel with maple coated bacon coming in at a close second. :)

45. Lori said...

favorite sweet is cherry carnival cake. this little hedgehog is adorable. I have a nephew with a little boy and they have a hedgehog pet. It would be perfect. Thanks for a chance.

46. Anonymous said...

I'm always in the mood for ice cream.

47. Shayla Sharp said...

Aww, Cupcake is a cutie! I'm afraid (for the sake of my waistline) that there aren't too many treats I don't like. But right now, I'm loving Ben & Jerry's Karmel Sutra ice cream.

48. Katy said...

My answer would almost always be chocolate, but it's suddenly got so hot, and I'm sitting here getting cooked through the window. So as a one off answer, ice cream sounds perfect. That hedgehog is so cute.

49. Cricket said...

Oh for cute!! Cupcake would have a spot of honor in our household, for sure.

My favorite sweet is what I called a bear paw as a kid. Layers of pastry shaped in a claw ish shape with a little glaze on top. Mmmmm.

50. JLVerde said...

Adorable! As for sweets? I love chocolate in all its many forms.

51. Kathleen said...

Hmm...violet crumble and jelly beans (no licorice or coffee flavors, please) are my favorite sweet treats.

52. Kate said...

I love Smarties. Thanks for hosting!

53. Butterfly Eli said...

Wow, my friend LOVES hedgies and she's a huge fan of pink! I saw your etsy store and the tiny hippo is adorable (I, on the other hand, have affinity for purple hippos from summer swim league!). So many cute things! Unfortunately I also don't knit (and am probably moving soon)

My favorite sweet treat is probably a dark chocolate raspberry from dove (the individually wrapped ones with hilarious sayings printed on the inside of the foil).

Thanks for offering such a cute combo!
elizabeth.waligora at gmail.com

54. Marilize said...

Oh my goodness - isn't she adorable! How could she not melt hearts wherever she sniffs around for treats? I guess I'll have to hide my peanutbutter cups when she's around.

Thank you for a great giveaway and a chace to give her a happy home.

55. The Lee Family said...

She is so very precious! Thank you for offering this adorable giveaway.
My daughter has recently visited a hedgehog rescue center, and has taken a keen interest in all things hedgehog related. They are amazing little creatures!
My favourite treat is chocolate/lemon bars from M&S, but my daughter would like you to know that her favourite treat is chocolate ice cream topped with jelly babies. :)

56. Unknown said...

Creme Brulee'!!!

57. Sallie said...

Adorable! Red velvet cheesecake is my favorite. Thanks for the great giveaway!

58. Laura said...

I love pie. especially pecan and coconut.

59. Dede said...

Ohmygoodness that is adorable! I would love to give Cupcake a home, and would gladly share some strawberry-rhubarb pie with her. Thanks for the chance at your giveaway!

60. AnnieK said...

That's the cutest little hedgie!! My favorite treat is Junior Mints, yummmmmmm!

61. Melody said...

I love ice cream. I like to try a different flavor all the time.


62. Austina said...

I LOVE her. Thank You for the chance.

I LOVE Cheesecakes..

BIG HUGS to you...

(here is a link to my fb page. I always check my messages there)

Austina Keyes Bosco


email addy


63. Sarah_L_N said...

Aww she is so cute! My favourites are chocolate brownies and cheesecake!

64. Joanna said...

OH my gosh isn't he just the sweetest thing!?! <3 As for my favorites... I have way too many. I have a wicked sweet tooth. But I do have a bit of an addiction to Lindt's Lindor Truffles. :) Thanks for offering this little cutie up for the giveaway!

65. Bonnie said...

berries with fresh whipped cream

66. Elizabeth said...

Aww, so cute! I would love to give Cupcake a home! I love any treat with chocolate in it, especially chocolate cake and cookies. Thanks for the giveaway!

67. Marci Girl said...

What sweet treat don't I love...strawberry shortcake, chocolate of any sort, but my favorite is those darn chocolate oranges!

68. Dee said...

Thanks for offering our sweet little cupcake. My favourite treat is definately chocolate - turkish delight.

69. The Branch Family said...

So cute! Anything chocolate would be my choice. Thanks for the giveaway.

70. Suzanne said...

I adore ice cream of all flavors!

71. sntbosch said...


72. hueisei said...

Green tea ice cream!!
Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!!!

73. Nanbon44 said...

cheese cake and chocolate covered strawberries

74. Mary Ann said...


75. atabanana29 said...

Chocolate covered pretzels are my favorite!!!! atabanana29(at)gmail(dot)com

76. Loree said...

Jelly Bellies :)

77. Anonymous said...

so cute! hadas_a1@yahoo.com

78. Unknown said...

I have a bit of a problem with sweets... I love them all! But, during the summer my favorite is homemade angelfood cake with peaches or strawberries. My grandma used to make that all the time :) Thanks for the giveaway!

79. Needled Mom said...

My little hedgehog would love a friend! I have a real problem avoiding a soft caramel these days.

80. Unknown said...

My daughter would love this! I love ice cream! sharoo1975@yahoo.com

81. enbartlett said...

My favorite sweet treat is baked goods like bars (chocolate oatmeal - yum!) or bakery things like Bear Claws. :)

82. Debbie said...

My favorite sweet treat is plain dark chocolate! Thanks, Susan!

83. Sal said...

Great giveaway!! My favorite treat is chocolate with almonds or peanuts. shelly sal4qtatgmaildotcom

84. Tammy said...

I think I love all sweet treats. Espcialy cookies, brownies & choclate. Thank you for the chance to enter such a wonderful giveaway. conn_and_vans_mom(at)yahoo(dot)com

85. Kathy H said...

Those are both so cute. My favorite treat is snickerdoodle cookies.

86. sandyandcosmo said...

My favorite sweet treat is bread pudding!

87. N.C.Fabric Junkie said...

Great blog!

88. jeifner said...

Hands down, Swiss chocolate. Cute hedgehog and the hippo is also adorable.

89. Jeannie D said...

I adore hedgehogs! My favorite sweet is chocolate chip cookies...

90. Katie said...

I don't know if I can pick one favorite, but I do love black licorice!

91. Michelle said...

Our favorite sweet treats are reese cups. We all fight over them

detroitgirl77 AT gmail DOT com

92. annette said...

homemade ice cream

93. Keri S said...

I am a sweet lover!!! I mainly go for snickers! kerihag at yahoo dot com

94. Beth said...

Chocolate! Especially dark chocolate!

95. greekmiss said...

My favorite treat is chocolate, but especially pistachio truffles!

96. Breanna S. said...

My favorite sweet treat is chocolate or a big juicy honey crisp apple.

97. kristinorth said...

So cute, thanks for a chance! I love brownies!

98. Nancy Sue said...

Look how sweet! Thank you for participating in the blog hop! I love homemade caramel corn!!! So does my dentist!

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