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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


The latest assignment for my art quilt group was to make a quilt using a "living being" as inspiration.  I wanted to use a creature with stripes of color and even though I am terrified of snakes, that is what came to mind for this project.  I recalled the old saying, "Red touches yellow, kills a fellow.  Red touches black, friend of Jack." and decided to use that as my inspiration.  Notice the quilt has two poisonous "snakes" to support my irrational belief that there are more deadly snakes than friendly snakes.  Actually, I believe that there are no friendly snakes, but maybe working on this quilt has been good therapy for me because I like it even if snakes are the subject matter!

(If you look closely you will notice that this quilt isn't quite finished.  I had planned to use black binding, but had second thoughts after the quilting was done.  I think green might be better, but I need to make a trip to the quilt shop for more fabric.  That's what happens when you wait until the last minute.  Will I do my next project in a more timely fashion?  Probably not.) 


1. Teri said...

I love this quilt. And thanks for the little saying about snakes, now that I am traveling and hiking a lot, this is good information to have.

2. Jean(ie) said...

Wow, that is quite an original take and clever, too!

I need to get going on the challenge piece for my guild.

3. Kathy P said...

Hate snakes - love your quilt!

4. Jean said...

So cute!

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