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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

It's Quilted

My latest UFO is quilted...but it ain't pretty!  Seems that this quilt was pieced by a beginner (aka me, about 9 years ago) and it was not square and more than a few blocks were a little on the full side.  Needless to say, this quilt was a quilter's nightmare!  You can see in the photo that seams were pushed to the left as I was quilting and there are even a few puckers here and there.  I quit swearing after quilting about four rows and decided "it is what it is" and a non-quilter will think it's lovely.  As soon as the binding is on I'm shipping it off to the local hospice and hopefully it will end up in the hands of someone who doesn't quilt!


1. Terry said...

Once it's washed and dried it you won't hardly know the difference! Good for you getting it done! :0)

2. Betsy said...

Congratulations Susan. It will be loved.

3. Jean said...

I think it's pretty. Congrats on getting a ufo finished!

4. andsewon said...

Don't be so hard on yourself! It is lovely and made by you so will be loved!

5. Jean(ie) said...

It's beautiful, Susan. The love that went into it is what makes it. Yay for finishing another UFO!

6. Holly said...

I think it is lovely!

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