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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Another UFO On The Frame

I've always said that I'm a piecer, not a quilter, but with all the quilts that I have been quilting lately, I may have to start calling myself a quilter!  Once this quilt comes off the frame it will be the tenth quilt that I have quilted since the beginning of the year!  If I keep up the pace, my UFO pile will be nonexistent in no time!


1. Jean said...

I have quite a pile now to quilt too, seems like I never have time to get them all done. Glad you are working on yours! good job!

2. Anya said...

And it's your favorite color, too!

3. Brenda said...

I have the same machine, but no frame. what kind of frame is it?

4. Needled Mom said...

I'd say you are definitely a quilter!!

5. Barb said...

When you get done with yours you can come and work on mine...HA!!

6. Jean(ie) said...

Is your frame a tabletop model? Look at you go! Whittle down that pile to ZERO!

7. Deb said...

Shall I send over my UFO's to keep you going Susan? I would hate you to run out

8. Jackie's Stitches said...

Wow! That's a LOT of quilts!

9. Jean said...

Testing, testing....lol can you email me back and tell me if I am still no reply? Thanks!

10. IHaveANotion ~ Kelly Jackson said...

Ahhhhh it feels so good to get those done doesn't it? I'd like to see more of your set up.


11. Michelle said...

I always get so excited when I find another blogger who has a Juki on a quilt frame. I love mine!!!

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