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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Monday, March 18, 2013

A Scrappy Trip

Here is my MLQG Finish 6 Challenge quilt all finished and ready for show and tell at tonight's guild meeting!  The pattern is Bonnie Hunter's Scrappy Trip Around The World and I think I started this quilt shortly after she first posted the pattern on her website in 2005!  Again, this UFO was a finished top just waiting with backing and binding to be quilted and once I again I am asking myself why it took me so long to finish it because I love it!


1. Betsy said...

I love it. This pattern is so popular!

2. Terry said...

It looks great! I love those bright colors! :0)

3. Kathy P said...

I love seeing all these Scrappy Trip quilts! They're everywhere right now. It's on my "must-make" list! Yours looks so happy. :)

4. Gypsy Quilter said...

Wow, so bright and cheerful. Thanks for sharing.

5. Needled Mom said...

Nice finish. You are really making progress with those UFOs.

6. Quiltdivajulie said...

Wonderful, colorful finish! Congrats!!!

7. Diane said...

so bright! nice and spring-y!

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