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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Fun With HST's

Just about a year ago a won a couple of charm packs from Vroomans' Quilts in a giveaway.  I wasn't quite sure what to do with just two charm packs, so I decided that I would throw caution to the wind and just make them into half square triangles and put them together into a crib size quilt.  Little did I know how much fun it would be playing with all the possible layouts (which I believe are endless)!  Why have I not done this before?


1. Kathy P said...

Fun, isn't it! I've been doing the same thing lately. Love your colors!

2. Quiltdivajulie said...

Why not incorporate several of those ideas into one quilt . . . even MORE fun!

3. Needled Mom said...

Aren't they wonderful to play with??? So many choices!!!

4. Jean(ie) said...

How fun! I love charm packs. They pack a punch in an itty bitty package. Perfect for play!

5. Terry said...

I did that once with a pile of scrappy charm squares I wanted to use up. The only problem was deciding on which layout to use! LOL

6. IHaveANotion ~ Kelly Jackson said...

That is so pretty and colorful....very cheerful this time of year.

Why haven't you done that before? Probably because you've always had a project you were working on and this fabric wasn't designated for a specific project....time to play :)


7. Janet said...

It's incredible how many different blocks HST can make, love your playtime.

8. Jean said...

Looks like fun! CAn't wait to see the finished quilt. quiltinjeanie@yahoo.com

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