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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Friday, March 8, 2013

# ? * !

A little ragged
Hangin' by a thread
That's startin' to fray
Just in case there might be
Little ears around
I won't say it
I'll just spell it out
I feel like pound-sign, 
Question mark,
Exclamation point
Don't give a blank
And a whole lot of other
Choice words I can't say!

Can you see it?  Right there by the pin?  That tiny hole?  Yes, I was snipping a basting thread as I was quilting and completely cut through the quilt top!  Yes, I said bad words. Thankfully the snip is close to the edge.  I put a drop of fray check on it and hopefully I'll be able to tuck it inside the binding.


1. Terry said...

I'm just glad it was so close to the edge! I bought a sweet little owl pincushion once, and as I was cutting the tag off, I snipped his little head! I was heartbroken! But I put a little bit of fray check on his "wound" and he's almost as good as new! :0)

2. Needled Mom said...

Oh gosh....I hate it when I do something like that. I think you will be fine with it that close to the edge AND the Fray Check.

3. Pat Merkle said...

Looks like it even might get covered with the binding. Crossed fingers! I hate when that happens.

4. Robin Quilts, etc. said...

No problem. I recently managed to slice through my Scrappy Trip Around the World quilt top. I just flipped that sucker over and ironed on some fusible interfacing. Now that it's quilted, I challenge anyone to find it. Trust me, know one will ever know. Carry on!

5. Holly said...

Oh yes indeed I totally relate, to the accidental snip AND the !&@$#% !

6. Madalene Axford Murphy said...

A tiny bit of fusible interfacing under the top and no one will ever know at all!

7. Kathy P said...

Must have been a full moon or something, because I fused some double-sided fusible Peltex to my pressing table! Oh well, I needed to recover it anyway. It was in pretty rough shape...
I'm sure your little snip will never show once it's bound and finished. :)

8. Jean said...

Glad it was close to the edge so that you can cover it with binding. All those little booboos that only we know about!

9. Gypsy Quilter said...

Oh my, I've done that before also. Can the edge be trimmed just a bit extra? When it washes and crinkles and softens, you'll forget all about it.

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