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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Finally Some Stitching

My two oldest granddaughters and I started this project back in the spring as an after school project, but they really weren't able to work on it more than a few minutes at a time, so our progress has been slow. Earlier this week we were able to spend some quality stitching time together and we finished the last of the blocks and put them all together! Now to make some time to work on the borders...


1. Melinda said...

I love the bright cheerful colors in this. Great job!

2. Terry said...

It's so pretty! I love all the bright colors! Are they going to share it?

3. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

So is there one in the works for the other grand daughter? Nice quilt. Seems like you should do two.

4. Needled Mom said...

It looks fabulous. What a fun project with the girls!

5. Julia said...

What a beautiful, bright and happy quilt this is going to be! What lucky granddaughters to have their grandmom teach them this lifetime skill and love of sewing!!! Hope all is going well with you.

6. Barb said...

What a fun quilt!!

7. Jackie's Stitches said...

I love it! I think what I love even more is the special time you all spent together creating this quilt.

8. Barb said...

Pretty and such a very bright quilt...I really like it! I truly understand the thrill of sewing with your granddaughters, there is such a feeling of sharing time, sharing love, and sharing sewing tips between grandparents and grandchildren. Don't ever stop taking the time, even if just a few minutes! Have a wonderful holiday weekend!

9. Lori said...

It's a great quilt but more then that is the thrill of sewing with your granddaughters!!

10. Catherine said...

Such a fun bright quilt. What a great project to work on together.

11. Kim Brackett said...

It's gorgeous! So many wonderful colors!

12. Shelly said...

This quilt officially pushed me over the edge, and I have now begun collecting strings for a string quilt of my own -- this one is gorgeous! And I also made some Blueberry Crumble over the weekend, and it got My Cowboy's seal of approval. I realized I might be a bit obsessed with blogging when he asked: Are you going to take pictures of this food, or can I eat it?

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