My family and I seem to be getting a super size serving of life this summer...from bad to good and everything in-between. Our life has been an emotional roller-coaster the past couple of months and there are no signs of things calming down anytime soon. One thing I do know is that I need to find a way to spend some time stitching to help preserve my sanity and keep a bit of normalcy in my life. You know what they say...when life throws you scraps, make a quilt!
You and I must be sharing the same LIFE!
Add me to the club!
I have a little sign...quilting is better than therapy
I know what you mean. In the darkest of days a little sewing therapy adds some light. Hope you get some soon and I hope life gets back to normal as well.
Ohhhhhhh I sure hope Life starts treating you better....
I hope things will straighten out for you soon. In the meantime, sew when you can and keep your chin up.
I am right there with ya!! Seems it's always something or something else!! HOpe things settle down for you soon! cyber hugs!!
I find nothing gives me more of a sense of peace than walking into my stitching room and looking around...and of course sitting in my stitchy chair and whiling away a few hours.
I hope things calm down for you and your family this summer!
Here's to a little peace and quiet for you and yours and some stitchin time too! hugs.
Thank goodness for scraps! Tie a knot in the the end of your rope and hang on! Hoping you'll soon find the calm in your storm! Big hugs!
Susan, I sure hope LIFE allows you a little time off for sewing ;-) It's the greatest therapy! Sending comforting thoughts your way ;-)
Just let me know if you need any scraps . . . I've a few extra!
oh yes I KNOW what you mean....its always something.
yes I just keep sewing, need to keep my sanity
hope it all works out soon
It's almost scarey the memories that are sewn into a quilt. Hang in there....
I do hope things settle down soon for you, sometimes making a quilt with the scraps is near impossible. Especially when the "life scraps" come too fast! Have a restful 4th of July!
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