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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Curves Ahead

The challenge category for our guild's upcoming exhibit is "Out Of The Box" which translates to any shape quilt other than the traditional square or rectangle. The exhibit is in September, so I thought I better get busy, so this week I'm stepping out of my comfort zone and working on my challenge quilt. Hand dyed fabrics and no pattern...just a few free pieced curves and some imagination. I can't get much further out of the box than that!


1. Lori said...

Good for you!! I can't wait to see what you come up with.

2. Andra Gayle said...

ohhh, sounds great-can't wait to see it!

3. Beatriz said...

I´m sure it will come out great! I like free-style quilts better than those that follow patterns to be repeated on and on, close to endless. Isn´t it much more fun to be surprised with the result?
I´ll be following you and looking forward to seeing it done!

4. Barb said...

I think stepping out of your comfort zone is good....seems like you are taking to it really good.

5. Madalene Axford Murphy said...

Curves and hand-dyes--gotta be an interesting quilt!

6. Barb said...

OK now you have me curious, waiting for the outcome! Have a great week, happy out-of-the-box for you!

7. Rafael's Mum said...

You go for it! Looking forward to seeing more!

8. Anonymous said...

This is great...I'll enjoy seeing your creative side!!

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