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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Alzheimer's Disease

My mother-in-law suffers from Alzheimer's Disease and with the help of family and friends she has been able to live on her own...until this week. She was beginning to get lost in her own home and we realized that it is no longer safe for her to spend any amount of time alone and unsupervised, so this week we had to make the painful decision to move her to a nursing home.
Alzheimer's is such a cruel disease, not only does it steal precious memories, but it also takes away the ability to accomplish simple every tasks that we all take for granted. Something needs to be done to find a cure, or at the very least an acceptable treatment, for this awful disease!
In the next few weeks I will be turning the silk scraps that you see in the photo into a 9x12 art quilt that will be donated to the Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative. These tiny art quilts are auctioned on the AAQI website and 100% of the profits go to fund Alzheimer's research. Over $400,000 has been raised since AAQI's birth in 2006! Won't you please consider making a 9x12 quilt to donate to AAQI? It doesn't take a great deal of effort from any one person to help and together maybe we can help the researchers and doctors find a cure for this horrible disease.

Specific details and instructions for making a Priority: Alzheimer's Quilt can be found by visiting http://www.alzquilts.org/paq.html


1. Lisa at Sun Naturals said...

My Grandmother has Alzheimer's. So far she is still living independently with her husband. She just turned 85 :-)

I've been meaning to make a quilt for the AAQI, but have let my insecurities, (it won't be good enough) stop me. Thank you for posting. I'm going to give it a try...I may surprise myself.

Please show us your quilt when it it done :-)

Lisa M.

2. Hazel said...

My dad died from Alzheimer's and had to be moved to a nursing home ,the family had a hard time with it , to walk in a room and have your father ask who you are ,was heartbreaking .Prayers for your MIL but also for the family it's really a terrible thing to go through with a loved one .Good for you I'll look forward toseeing your guilt .

3. Diane said...

I, too, have been meaning to make a quilt to donate. I'm going to add it to my list to do and start thinking about what I would like to make. Thanks for the nudge.
My dad's sister had the disease. It is an awful disease-and so heartbreaking to watch what it does to someone you love.

4. Lori said...

So sorry to hear your MIL needs to move. I am not looking forward to the day my mom cannot live by herself any longer. I know it's coming in the not too far off future.
Yep, I think it's time to make another AAQI quilt.

5. Barb said...

that is a small quilt 9 x 12...

I don't know if you saw my post about me talking about my friend with Alzheimer's....it is so sad.

I am sorry about your mother in law.

6. andsewon said...

So sorry about your MIL. It is a very sorrowful and hard road to walk with those we love so dearly. We lost my MIL, sweet Miss Nellie, to it in 2002. We cared for her as long as we could here at home. For me was a double sad day the day she entered the nursing home, I also lost a brother. Yes time for another AAQI quilt.
Hugs to you,your DH and family.

7. Rene' said...

Susan, I am so sorry to hear that your mother-in-law's condition has worsened. What a painful time for your family. You are right, Alzheimer's is a cruel disease. I am so glad there are organizations like AAQI bringing attention to Alzheimer's. Sending hugs your way.

8. Jackie's Stitches said...

Thank you for bringing attention to the AAQI. Alzheimers is something that will touch most of us in one way or another. I'm thinking of you and your family.

9. Needled Mom said...

It is such a cruel disease. I am so sorry to hear about the tough choices you had to make.

I saw some of the most amazing little quilts at our Road Quilt show last year. Incredibly touching to see.

10. AmiSimms said...

Thank you for making a quilt for us. These are small quilts, but oh so valuable.

For the other comment writers, please make something for us. We accept any technique, style, color, or theme. If you make it we will sell it. Be brave; we need your help.

Or, you can BUY a quilt that someone else has made!

Ami Simms

11. Quiltdivajulie said...

Bless you ... this part of the journey is hard on everyone involved.

Doing something positive (making a PQ) in the face of this disease is empowering ... I'm on my seventy-first now and am SO glad I pushed ahead with that first one when I doubted myself and my abilities.

12. Pat said...

I just went to the link and read all about this...and I am going to try to do one of these and ask some of the gals in my group to do one, too.

13. Gypsy Quilter said...

Yes I agree, it is a horrific ailment both to have and to watch happen. The only good news is doctors can now monitor it to some extent and there are some medications that do help some people. I'm sure your quilt contribution will be greatly appreciated.

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