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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I Gotta Wear Shades!

Oh yes! We have borders and they are just as bright as the rest of the String Diamonds quilt top! This quilt is so bright that I almost feel like I should warn people to shade their eyes before they look at it, but what wonderful therapy it has been to work on such a cheerful quilt with two very special color consultants!


1. Julia said...

I. LOVE. THIS. QUILT. I love the colors and the pattern, but I mostly love the love that it was made with!

2. Pat said...

I love it........such a fun quilt!!!

3. Janet said...

Yahoo, what a colourful quilt. Didn't the girls do fantastically!

4. Melinda said...

I love bright quilts and string blocks so your quilt is a winner in my book.

5. Barb said...

I love it...and congratulations to you and your color consultants. Fun, cherished moments! Have a great day!

6. Chartreuse Moose said...

I love it, so bright and cheery!

7. Lori said...

Fun! Fun! Fun!!

8. Needled Mom said...

I think they did a fabulous job on it.

9. Millie said...

Susan, what a happy post and yes sometimes bright is good...great string quilt! Love the border.

10. Dani - tkdchick said...

Oooh its fantastic! I love it!

11. Quiltdivajulie said...

I love it! Happy, cheerful, fun, delightful!

12. Lou and Kathy said...

Those top few squares remind me of the wall your dad painted in your room, looks like you can get lost right in the middle of the square. I love the way you did the border, neat ideas and with the girls - great memories.

13. Barb said...

Yes, that is bright but oh....so....fun!!

14. Mary Johnson said...

I love it - it looks like summer to me!

15. Jackie's Stitches said...

This quilt makes me smile! I love what you did with the corners of the borders.

16. Kim Brackett said...

This really is a happy quilt! I love the borders and the way you set the corner blocks. Very nice!

17. Rene' said...

Fun quilt!!!! You and your granddaughters did a fabulous job. Love it!

18. Deb said...

Susan, that quilt is fabulous. I love it, the colours all look so beautiful and cheerful together and the pattern is such fun.
Wow, its great, you never cease to amaze me with your beautiful work.
hugs deb

19. Mary @ Neat and Tidy said...

These are not colors I work with; but after seeing this quilt, I'm wondering why I don't. It's very stunning and such a happy quilt! Great job!

20. Cheryl said...

You and the girls did a great job on this quilt .I Love it ! Very colorful for sure , the boarder makes it really stand out .

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