If you are anywhere near
Corning, New York this weekend be sure to stop by
Wooly Minded on West Market Street and take a look at the yarn bombed tree in front of the shop! If you aren't familiar with the new yarn bombing craze it is essentially a form of graffiti that is used to brighten everyday objects while promoting the art of knitting and crocheting. I don't know that I will be knitting sweaters for the trees in my yard anytime soon, but I sure do love the look of this yarn bombed tree!
You can see more examples of yarn bombing at
It is amazing the minds of people and the things they can come up with...truly amazing.
I wish I were 'home'. Then I could go.
Oh my gosh! That is adorable and WAY better then your standard graffiti!! LOL
I believe this was also being done in the area of Cape May, NJ, not too long ago. What fun!!!
Wow, thats amazing Susan, I have never heard of it before. What will they come up with next?
Hmmmmm interesting, were there lots of them, or just this one? Very colorful to see, I am sure! So you don't think you will knit colors for your trees anytime soon ;>)? Have a great weekend, stay cool!
Well, yarnbombinb is a new one to me. I'm like you...if I finish anything I won't be hanging it outside in the trees LOL. I love your bright string quilt, too.
this is so interesting thanks for bringing awareness to this Susan :)
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