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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Spring Is On The Way!

I took a break from quilting yesterday to enjoy the beautiful sunny late winter (early spring?) day. A walk around the yard revealed these daffodils just starting to poke up through the mulch. What a welcome sight! This morning it is raining and there were even a few rumbles of thunder. My grandpa always said "It takes a good thunderstorm to really wake things up for spring", so I'm hoping that this morning's thunder did the job and that spring is really on the way!


1. quiltingnana said...

isn't it wonderful to see those first little shoots...

Also, heard about a quilt show up your way in July...in Muncy PA - July 17-19....I'm planning on attending!!!

2. Anonymous said...

I like your Grandpa's saying. :-) After the long long Winter Spring is such a welcome miracle of life's determination to survive. The flowers are so cheerful in their beautiful colours. Here people are selling every colour of primrose you can think of.

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