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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Quilted Notebook Folio

My very talented quilty friend, Mary Jane, developed this quilted notebook folio pattern and was kind enough to share her pattern with me so I could make one for a very dear friend of mine. This is a view of the open folio and you can see that the construction is fairly simple and just uses fabric scraps and a bit of heavy interfacing. I added ribbon ties on each side, so the folio could be tied closed, but a button closure or even a velcro tab would have been nice too. Thanks, Mary Jane, for being so willing to share your pattern and ideas!


1. jovaliquilts said...

Very cool! I use a notebook like that and never thought of putting it in a cover. Great idea!

2. Deb said...

This is really neat Susan.It would be well used by your friend, I am sure.

3. Jean said...

Very pretty cover...makes a nice gift for a friend too.

4. quiltingnana said...

that is a very clever pattern...she should copyright it!!!

5. Anonymous said...

That's a lovely bit of work womanship Susan. great pattern too.

6. Anonymous said...

Great idea.

Notes and pen handy at all times.

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