About Me

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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Not A Single Stitch!

We are home after spending a wonderful week in North Carolina with our son, daughter-in-law and lil' cowboy. You can tell by the obvious lack of quilting on my "travel projects" that I never even threaded a needle while we were gone. I was too busy rocking, feeding, burping, changing diapers and giving "pony rides" around the kitchen to even think about quilting. Isn't it funny how one tiny baby boy could make a grandmama forget all about her big quilting plans?


1. andsewon said...

Susan thanks for visiting my blog!!
Sounds like you had a WANDAMUS Granny fix in NC!!
Did you run down to Atlantic Beach too??
Come back and sign up for the pot holder giveaway too!!

2. Deb said...

So great to hear you had a fab holiday. Grandmamas are allowed to have a break from stitching.

3. Anonymous said...

Awww but just think of the memories you have created instead. :-)


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