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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

On The Needles

Even though I seem to be having trouble finding time to quilt, it seems like I can always find a few minutes here and there to knit.  I think it helps that knitting is so portable and I can just pick it up whenever I sit down.  A simple pattern, like this baby hat, also makes it easy to knit a few rows without too much thought.  Eventually I will have another hat finished to donate to the NICU without much effort at all.

1 comment:

1. Angie said...

I love your little knitted baby hat. I used to knit years ago, but I have forgotten all the basics. I was in JoAnns the other day and found a "learn to knit" type book. I'm going to try to teach myself.

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