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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Stitches Of Love

For the most part I like to stitch for charities within my community, but every once in awhile I end up with a finished project that cannot be used locally...such as this single preemie blanket and baby hat.  There's not a thing wrong with either project, but for one reason or another they just don't fit the requirements of any of the particular charities in my area.  Not to worry, Stitches of Love will find a great home for them!  Stitches of Love is a 501(c)(3) corporation based out of the Providence Presbyterian Church in Quakertown, Pennsylvania.  Their mission is to provide hand-made items wherever there is a need whether it be here in Pennsylvania or another state in the country or even foreign counties such as Haiti or Afghanistan.  There's no doubt in my mind that these items will end up just where they are needed most by sending them to Stitches of Love and that's so much better than leaving them in a bag in my closet!


1. Denise :) said...

Very sweet!! :)

2. Nancy said...

Thanks for the link to Stitches of Love. I will send some knitted items to them.

3. Jean(ie) said...

What an awesome idea for stitches of Love to be a clearing house! I need to bookmark that site! Thanks for sharing. I love the wee blankie... it's so sweet!

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