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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Hurricane Project

I have been on a mission to use up a bag of flannel that has been taking up space in my sewing room closet for I don't know how long.  Last week I started cutting 9 1/2" flannel squares and came up with enough to put together a rag quilt.  I have never made a rag quilt before and was quite surprised at how quickly the quilt went together, but I think the time consuming part is going to be snipping all the seams.  I suppose if hurricane Sandy lives up to all the hype I will have lots of time to snip by candlelight over the next day or so!


1. Needled Mom said...

That is definitely the most time consuming part. I hope you have some of those special shears to save your wrists. It will be gorgeous when you are finished - as well as soft and comfy!!

2. Jean(ie) said...

I love making rag quilts! They are instant gratification! Sew the squares together, trim and done!

I'm working on a denim/flannel one right now.

3. jovaliquilts said...

It's always good to have a project you can do by candlelight. I hope you stay safe and dry.

4. Cheryl said...

I love flannel quilts ! Mom has made several , and I made a couple ,the rag quilts are really nice after you spend all that time snipping the fabric. Stay safe and warm during this hurricane , whoever thought there would be one with snow instead of rain!

5. Denise :) said...

I've never made a rag quilt ... but it's on my bucket list! Hahaha--along with about a thousand others!! Clipping seams sounds like a good activity for a rainy, icky-weather day. :)

6. Barb said...

That is a great project...and will be nice and cozy when you are done.

7. Anonymous said...

The snipping is definately the most time consuming (and boring!) part. Spring-loaded scissors is a must, and (on the photo) I see you have a pair. :)

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