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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Happy Birthday!

I was really hoping to visit a local fall festival for my birthday, but cold, windy and rainy weather made me rethink my plans.  My husband said he would do whatever I wanted with a smile on his face the whole time (meaning if I wanted to go to the mall and shop, he wouldn't complain). Not a bad offer, but I know from experience that shopping with my husband is no fun for either of us.  I decided that a Jeep ride through the woods would still be pretty this time of year even if it was raining.  Follow that with a nice dinner out and how could I go wrong?  About half way through our adventure we passed an antique shop that was open and hubby asked if I wanted to check it out.  I couldn't pass up that deal, so around we turned and in we went!  Just inside the door I spotted a sewing machine case marked $45.  Imagine my surprise when I opened the case and found this 1912 Singer 66 with "red eye" decals inside!  There was no doubt in my mind that this machine was meant to be mine for my birthday...and so it is!


1. Needled Mom said...

What a beauty! That was the best non shopping birthday trip yet.

2. Joanne Lendaro said...

Perfect!! Happy Birthday!

3. Clara {Clover and Violet} said...

Happy Birthday! love your new old machine!

4. Terry said...

It's beautiful! Congratulations! :0)

5. Diane said...

most definitely meant to be!
Happy Birthday!

6. Rene' said...

Wonderful way to celebrate a big birthday!!! Awesome find!

7. Gypsy Quilter said...

What a treasure! Happy, happy Birthday!

8. andsewon said...

Happy Birthday! Yes seems to me it was meant to be for that sweet machine to come home with you! Hope you enjoy sewing with it! I love my 1955 was a BD gift from my DH!
Birthday Hugs!

9. Karyn said...

Happy Birthday Hugs, Susan!
What an awesome day it was, and OMG your Singer is amazing! I think I am in love...did the shop owner know that the machine was inside before you discovered it? :)
Gorgeous and definitely meant just for you...I see many more quilts!

10. Kathy P said...

Now I know what the term "red eye" means! Looks like you were meant to be together :) Enjoy her!

11. Cheryl said...

Wow! Susan !! First of all I had no idea it was your birthday !! So a big Happy Birthday to you and what a find ! So glad your husband wanted to do something nice for you and ask if you wanted to go in there !Thumbs up for him ! Love the machine !!!

12. Jean(ie) said...

SQUEEEEEEEE! You were right when you said you had a good birthday! Yay!

13. Madalene Axford Murphy said...

Well, you certainly made a much better decision than going shopping at the mall!

14. Catherine said...

What a great find! She's a beauty and was meant to be found by you.

15. Denise :) said...

Oh!! What a sweet 'happy birthday' find!!! Yay!!! :)

16. Jean said...

Happy Birthday! What a wonderful find on your birthday! You are so lucky! Does it work!

17. Holly said...

Happy Birthday Susan, and what a wonderful find! It was meant to be, serendipity in action...

18. IHaveANotion ~ Kelly Jackson said...

How fun! I'm so glad it was right where you needed it to be.


19. Barb said...

Happy Belated Birthday!!!!

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