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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Finish 6 Challenge

This month begins a new challenge for the members of the Mountain Laurel Quilt Guild...Finish 6.  Those who want to participate are asked to make a numbered list of six UFO's.  A number will be drawn at the guild meeting and for the next month you are to finish the project with the corresponding number.  It's no secret that I am not really a quilter, I am a piecer, so I knew it wouldn't be hard for me to find six quilts that needed to be finished. (Actually, I have enough quilts to do this challenge twice, but I don't want to be that challenged...I'll save those for the next guild UFO challenge!)

My Finish 6 Challenge List

1. Purple Jelly Roll Quilt
2. Tumbler Quilt
3. Thangles Quilt
4. Bonnie Hunter Quilt
5. Calico Blocks Quilt
6. Batik D9P Quilt

1 comment:

1. Rene' said...

That's an interesting challenge. Hmmm....not really sure I want my guild to know about this one ;-) Good luck...great way to get those quilt tops finished though.

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