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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Friday, October 26, 2012

For The Guys!

I was talking with the social worker at the hospice recently and asked her if they were in need of any particular kind of quilt.  Her answer was immediate, "We always ALWAYS need quilts and blankets geared towards men!"  It hit me like a brick!  Isn't it true?  Those of us who make quilts for charity often make fun quilts for kids or quilts from our stashes (which most likely consists of flowers and "pretty" fabrics).  How often do we make quilts to donate with men in mind?  I put out a plea for help to my guild sisters and the response has been tremendous!  Last month I delivered 18 "manly" quilts to the hospice and the blocks, tops and finished quilts are still rolling in. I just finished quilting and binding the quilt in the photo and once a few more are finished up I'll have another batch of quilts to deliver for the guys in hospice care. 


1. Needled Mom said...

That is just a great quilt for a guy...the colors are wonderful.

2. Jean(ie) said...

We mustn't forget the guys... Guys love quilts, too!

3. Denise :) said...

Yay for quilts for guys!! Mine wants an Alabama, Crimson Tide quilt. LOL!! :)

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