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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Friday, August 10, 2012

It All Comes Out In The Wash

It's no secret that I find peace in my sewing room and thread is my therapy.  The other day I was in a particularly foul mood, so I retreated to my sewing room, turned up James Taylor, and started playing with a few scraps that I had left out on the cutting table.  While moving the scraps around I noticed an assortment of lights and darks that almost seemed to form a colorwash.  I liked the design enough to stitch it together and quilt it with a simple 3/4" grid.  After couple hours of stitching and singing along with Sweet Baby James, my bad mood had come out in the wash and the Alzhimer's Art Quilt Initiative got another quilt out of the deal too!


1. Betsy said...

It is wonderful Susan.

2. Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

Yes you DO have a colorwash there! Very nice.

3. Nancy said...

You have a great eye for color. Nice job!

4. Gypsy Quilter said...

Very cute little quilt. Glad you're feeling better.

5. Needled Mom said...

It looks wonderful - definitely a colorwash.

6. QuilterMary said...

What can't be made better with fabric and James Taylor!

7. Alice said...

Finally taking a couple of minutes to meet everyone in the sew along.
Love the mini quilt and i know it will be appreciated. Also love the stars and your yellow brick one.
I will be back to visit.

8. Kathy P said...

Nice job! I worked on mine while I was away and it's amazing how similar it is to yours - and we were in different countries while we made them! Total coincidence!

9. Jean(ie) said...

Great colorwash! I love sewing. It's waaaaay cheaper than intensive psychotherapy....LOL!

10. Chartreuse Moose said...

What a wonderful way to turn a bad day around! Darling creation!

11. Caren Kristine said...

Looks great

12. Rene' said...

Love it Susan!!!

13. Joanne Lendaro said...

Great quilt and I love your choice in music.

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