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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Question Of The Day

These little plastic thingamajigs were found mixed in with some knitting needles and other knitting gadgets.  I assume that they are used for knitting or yarn in some way, but I'm not sure how.  Does anyone know what they are or how they are used?


1. Tudy said...

They are to wind different colors of yarn on for a multi color knitting pattern.

2. evelyn said...

Hi Susan. I haven't knit for a few years. I remember using these. As Trudy said above. They hold your second and third colours in place, and the yarns don't unwind until you want to use them.

3. Kathy P said...

Yes - I agree with the 2 comments above. We always called them Yarn Bobbins. Mine look like the one on the top. I've never seen the style on the bottom - I'm assuming the holes might be a gauge for sizing needles?

4. Needled Mom said...

I was thinking that the bottom ones were some sort of needle guage too.

5. Carole said...

They're bobbins. If you're doing fair isle knitting or anything with a pattern that requires you to change yarn colors as you knit across rows, you would use these.

6. LuAnn said...

I'm glad to know what they are. I usually knit things that are fairly simple or socks so it's good to know that these things are available.

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