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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Monday, April 2, 2012


There's a little challenge going on over at String Thing Along that will hopefully prove once and for all that even the ugliest fabrics can make beautiful quilts.  I tried to pick out some really ugly mismatched fabrics for my block, but I honestly don't think it's all that bad.  There's no doubt in my mind that all these ugly blocks will make a beautiful scrappy quilt for charity!  Of course, beauty is in the eye of the beholder...what is your opinion?


1. Rita said...

I am surprised too. This will make a lovely quilt and just to think from scraps that some might have thrown away. Your one smart gal.

2. Terry said...

Ugly works great in a scrappy quilt! I've done it many times! :0)

3. Jean(ie) said...

A wise quilter once told me that if you don't like a fabric, you haven't cut it small enough...LOL

4. Quiltdivajulie said...

I pulled out my strings last night - hope to stitch them tomorrow night. Like you, I searched for 'ugly' or at least 'not pretty' strings - but when I laid them all down on the cutting mat, VOILA -- a wonderfully scrappy mix appeared.

I think this quilt is going to be awesome!

5. Betsy said...

You must have skipped the ugly fabrics. These look great!

6. evelyn said...

It must be a rule of magic. The more ugly fabrics you join together and the smaller the strips=the prettier the quilt. Your block looks great.

7. Janet said...

I did a whole quilt out of uglies and mismatched fabrics and it turned out great. It's good when you can put loads of different fabrics in a quilt.

8. Joanne Lendaro said...

Don't judge a single block, once they are all together, it will be FABULOUS! Love to make one of these!

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