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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Mama's Got A Brand New Bag!

It's the truth that one thing always leads to another!  I found a lovely green wallet on sale that I couldn't resist, but that purchase meant that I needed a new bag to match.  I didn't have a pattern, only an idea in my mind of what I wanted.  I simply stitched some 2" Civil War Reproduction strips together, quilted the pieces in a 1/2" grid, added a pretty green lining and scrappy handles, then finished it off with a vintage button closure.  It turned out just as I had hoped it would and I couldn't be happier with my new bag!


1. Terry said...

That's very pretty! I love all the colors you used in it! :0)

2. Betsy said...

Susan, it is fabulous!

3. Kathy P said...


4. Jean(ie) said...

Love it! The color combo will go with everything!

Ya know, there's just something cool about getting a new bag. When I have a one, I feel like a new woman!

5. Quiltdivajulie said...

GOOD for you!!!!! It's lovely.

6. Barb said...

Love your bag!!!

7. Jean said...

The bag is so cute! I think it is funny that you made it to go with a wallet you bought. Made me smile!

8. Sherry said...

Love your new bag!!!

9. IHaveANotion ~ Kelly Jackson said...

Nice bag girl!!! I like it....I need one too.


10. Anonymous said...

Love it!!

11. Anonymous said...

I dig your new bag!

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