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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Old Dog...New Tricks

I'm not very brave when it comes to trying new free motion quilt designs.  I am comfortable meandering or quilting loops and swirls and that's pretty much what I have stuck with since I got my Juki machine and Grace frame a few years ago.  Lately I have been thinking that I need to try something new, so I broke out my Pajama Quilter Workbook and trusty whiteboard and started practicing!  Yesterday I worked up enough courage to try "fern ziggle" on a real quilt.  It's hard to see the quilting in this photo, but I must say that I'm quite pleased with the end results.  I guess an old dog really can learn a new trick every now and then!


1. Quilting Moesje said...

Beautiful ...

And I like the ninepatch blocs :o))
You did it ... nice!


2. Diane said...

Dawn's quilt designs are terrific-and yours look great! Good job in trying something new.

3. Needled Mom said...

It looks terrific. What fun to try something new too!

4. Jean(ie) said...

I see it! You did well!

5. Quiltdivajulie said...

Good for you for giving it a go . . . Chris also likes the Pajama Quilter DVDs.

6. ktquilts said...

Yay a you! Great job too!

7. Rene' said...

Congratulations for attempting (and succeeding) something new! Your quilting looks great. Love the quilt blocks too.

8. Jean said...

It looks great! This will just be a start for more cool designs!

9. LuAnn said...

I have heard a lot about that book. I think your quilting is wonderful. I go to the dollar store and buy sketch pads, watch quilting videos on line and then draw them before I move on to the quilt. Love your design.

10. Janet said...

It looks really great and now you have another design under your belt. I have that book and it really has been helpful to me.

11. Joanne Lendaro said...

practice on the whiteboard!! You will get better and you will be surprised how second nature it becomes. LOVE the Pajama Quilter DVDs!

12. Terry said...

It looks great to me! And well done for trying something new! :0)

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