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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Friday, April 27, 2012

The First Dandelion

 The First Dandelion 
Simple and fresh and fair from winter's close emerging, 
As if no artifice of fashion, business, politics, had ever been, 
Forth from its sunny nook of shelter'd grass--innocent, golden, calm as the dawn, 
The spring's first dandelion shows its trustful face. 
 ~ Walt Whitman 

My "The First Dandelion" quilt is the result of my art quilt group's third challenge.  We were to make a quilt using scraps and a significant amount of a solid that represented spring.  I definitely think I met the challenge, but let me tell you...this quilt was not without challenges!  My first two attempts were so bad that they went directly to the garbage, but thankfully the third time was the charm and I ended up with an acceptable piece.
Our next challenge is to make a quilt using any amount of yellow and use a photo for inspiration.  Hmmm...I wonder if I could snap a quick photo of a dandelion in the snow and use this quilt for the upcoming challenge?  Or would that be cheating?


1. Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I love your dandelion! It's definitely in the first sightings of spring every year.

2. Jean(ie) said...

LOL... you can try...

now you have me singing the little dandelion song we used to sing as kids...

3. Jean said...

Great dandelion! So pretty! hmmm, not sure they'll buy your story, but ya never know!

4. Peggi Yac said...

That would be cheating, Susan!

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