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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Monday, February 27, 2012

AAQI March Quilt Auction

Have a look at the AAQI Quilts that are up for auction in March!  Does one of the quilts look a little familiar?  Maybe like you have seen it somewhere before?  Maybe a little (or a lot) like my Crystal Blue Persuasion quilt?  Yes, that's it!  I am honored (and more than a little excited) to have one of my quilts as part of the AAQI auction this month.  The auction begins March 1st and runs through March 10th at www.alzquilts.org/quiltauction and remember...profits from all sales and auction purchases fund Alzheimer's research!


1. Kathy P said...

So happy for you! Congratulations! The quilt is stunning!

2. Michele Bilyeu said...

Congratulations, again! It's absolutely wonderful!

3. Rene' said...

Congratulations! Thanks for sharing the link!

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