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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Another Challenge

Back in October a few of my quilty friends and I got together and challenged each other to make a small art quilt with fabrics outside of our quilting comfort zone.  Even though we all grumbled our way through the project we also decided that it was quite a bit of fun and that we should try another challenge.  AND what a challenge it is!  We are to make a small quilt using Gail Garber's technique for free form flying geese.  If you aren't familiar with Gail's work click HERE and then you will see why I nearly passed out when I heard about our next challenge.  I am a simple girl who makes simple quilts and Gail's quilts are far from simple!  Yes, indeed...this is going to be a challenge! 


1. Terry said...

Oh wow...her quilts are amazing!! I can't wait to see yours! You can do it!! :0)

2. andsewon said...

Oh My! Her quilts are art for sure! You go gal!

3. Deanna said...

Wonderful colors. That will make for a happy challenge.

4. Cheryl said...

Wow!!! What a challenge !!! Even I have never atempted one like these ! But I think you can come up with something good , Can't wait to see what you do.

5. Jean(ie) said...

Holy moly! that IS one heckova challenge. Heck, I can barely do a straight Flying geese block, let alone the free-form kind.

Enjoy the challenge!

6. Kathy P said...

All I can say is "YIKES!". That sure looks complicated! Good luck...

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