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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Word Verification

Have you noticed the new two word verification that Blogger just introduced?  If not, it's time consuming and very hard to decipher!  There is no doubt it will keep robots from commenting, but I'm afraid that it will also keep humans from commenting as well.  For that reason, I'm choosing to remove the word verification feature from my blog and I will filter any spam that makes it way to my blog manually.  I certainly don't want to have something on my blog that will prevent my friends from sharing their thoughts and ideas with me...I love hearing from you all!  


1. Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I just went in and removed it from mine too. I just encountered the new 2 word one last night and I think it will discourage comments.

2. Quiltdivajulie said...

Thank you!! I have been irritated by that new double word/ink blob all morning. BAH HUMBUG on Google changing it without allowing blog owners an option (one word or two).

3. Pat said...

Thanks for removing it. I am on an iPad and it's extra cumbersome for me to do the word verif.

4. ktquilts said...

Half the time I can't decipher that type of word verification at all! I thought that I was just blind!

Sorta good to know I am not alone! Sorry to all those who suffer with me.

5. Needled Mom said...

Isn't it frustrating. I have mine removed too, but I have noticed that I have not been commenting as much because it is too hard to decipher.

6. Heartsdesire said...

Thank you for doing that. It is so frustrating trying to read those words. Sometimes I have to try three times, and while I don't want to stop leaving comments, It is annoying. If it ain't broke, don't fix it!

7. Terry said...

I just posted about the new word verification this morning! It was taking me forever to be able to leave a comment because I couldn't read the words!

8. Janet said...

I didn't know about it until another post this morning. I'm going to try removing mine too and see what happens.

9. IHaveANotion ~ Kelly Jackson said...

I find those things so frustrating because I can't tell what many of the letters are. I'm with you...it is easier to just delete the spam than to make people try to type things they can't read.


10. Brenda said...

I just finished commenting somewhere and couldn't read the words. bad contrast and old eyes and letters that look like other letters. I'm taking mine off too!

11. Barb said...

I can't read the verifications half the time and who has the time to redo it? So frustrating..so thanks for changing your.

12. Madalene Axford Murphy said...

I am probably going to remove it from mine as well. The robots must be getting too smart if Google has to make the words unreadable even for most humans.

13. Doreen said...

Thank you so much for taking action! Maybe they will get some type of message that will make an impact. My blog is on Wordpress and 3 weeks ago I discovered that Blogger had begun to change things when I went to post on someone's blog (with Blogger) and it would not take my "word verification"...it kept "bouncing back" with a new verification word. I thought it was just me and notified my WP techs. Others on WP had lodged the same complaint, thinking the change was with our blogs, but NO, it's with Blogger! So, now, I post with "name/url" or "anonymous" and include my blog address in the comment. Maybe they need to see some of their bloggers leaving and then they will get the message!!!

14. Jocelyn said...

I took word verification off last year when blogger improved their spam patrol. But I think Blogger and Google are making things a little more difficult for everyone. I am still not exactly sure what is happening in March when Google Friend connect goes away. I wonder if people on Word Press will be able to comment at all???

15. Cheryl said...

I too have had a problem with a couple of comment I wanted to post because of the change and it would make me do it over and over to the point where I did not want to send it after all it was too much !
Now to figure out how to remove it !

16. Jean(ie) said...

Pox on blogger... Hate this new version...

17. Jean(ie) said...

btw, you click on the audio version. it's really creepy!

18. Jackie's Stitches said...

i noticed it today. I'm having a hard time reading the fuzzy letters. Ugh!

I took off all comment moderation a few months ago. So far, I haven't had to remove one single comment.

19. Patty said...

I am so glad some bloggers are removing them. They are so hard for me to read. So it takes me forever to keep trying. I am happy to see others feel the same way!!

20. Mary @ Neat and Tidy said...

Thanks; I agree with you.

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