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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

No Fabric Before Its Time

Paul Masson Winery would sell no wine before its time and I shall use no fabric before its time!  Can you see the date on this Moda marble?  Yes, it says 1997!  That makes this fabric 15 years old!  I think it has aged long enough!


1. Terry said...

That's almost as bad as the one quilt I finished last month. The date on the selvage of that one said 1992! LOL

2. andsewon said...

Oh yes I too have fine aged fabrics in the fabric "cellar', hahahaha!

3. evelyn said...

It is a good thing that fabric doesn't come with a "use by" date!

4. Kathy P said...

Now you know how I came up with the name "Cotton Cellar" for my blog! I have a batch from the mid 80's that I'm getting ready to use soon. Wonder if that makes it "estate" or "vintage"???

5. Gypsy Quilter said...

Now that's funny. I had forgotten that slogan. When I was discussing all of my older fabric which I was trying to use up, a dear friend made a key point. She said, "At least you can count on the quality." I thought, how true! The new stuff I have to check very carefully. So thank goodness for our finely aged stock!

6. Jean(ie) said...

tee hee... my mom used to say that if you saved stuff long enough it would come back in style!

7. Quiltdivajulie said...

Great post!

8. Betsy said...

wow, Susan, I never knew they had dates.
Very interesting. Thank you for sharing.

9. Joanne Lendaro said...

still looks good...

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