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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Vintage Meets Modern

My youngest son was a HUGE Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle fan when he was a little boy.  He loved the movies and cartoon series and had all the toys that went along with them. His bedroom was even decorated in a TMNT theme, complete with comforter, sheets and matching curtains!  Not long ago, I came across an old sheet at a local thrift shop in the same pattern that once covered his bed and thought it would be fun to use it as a backing for a quilt for my son.   I used the Disappearing 9-Patch pattern with basic Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle solid colors for the top and combined with the sheet (dated 1988!) it makes a very nice vintage meets modern quilt!


1. Karyn said...

Oh, Susan, I love it!
The colors on the modern side are gorgeous and I too can relate to the TMNTs theme,as we went through the same phase with our son. What memories the vintage side brings back for me!
Thanks for the pic and the walk down memory lane this morning, for Ma...you made me smile.
Ma Teakettle

2. Barb said...

What a cute thing to do!!

3. IHaveANotion ~ Kelly Jackson said...

I'm catching up on my blog reading...I can only smile...I'm sure he will absolutely love it!


4. Jackie's Stitches said...

I'm not sure that there are many young men that didn't totally love TMNT and would love this quilt! I think I even remember their names: Michaelangelo, Raphael, Donatello and Leonardo?

5. Janet said...

That's fabulous and it's a reversable quilt too. My son was in that same era, I wish I'd saved him some of the toys.

6. Diane said...

that's terrific-both my boys were TMNT obsessed when they were young too.

7. Rene' said...

Love this Susan! My oldest also was a big TMNT fan. I remember watching all the cartoons with him. I think it's retro reading day for me ;-) Ran across another blog with a Star Wars theme...another big obsession for our family ;-) Happy New Year!

8. Deanna said...

So, what did your son think? I bet he loves it!

9. louise said...

Lucky find, BRAVO

10. jovaliquilts said...

Such a clever idea. I have saved Raggedy Ann sheets from my daughters were little, and maybe this is what I'll do with them. Thanks for the idea!
And I LOVE the color scheme on the front. Awesome.

11. Joanne Lendaro said...

Love the colors!

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