About Me

- Susan
- I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
I'm not sure if it is due to not feeling well for the past few weeks, after holiday letdown or a combination of both of those things, but I feel like my train has derailed and I just can't seem to get back on track! Maybe I just need to retreat to my sewing room for a few days and see if that helps. What do you do when your train derails?
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When I feel derailed, I talk my hubby into a "day" trip. We love looking at old houses and such and so we will spend the day doing that and getting lunch somewhere new and run into a quilt shop or two.
Bleck! sorry to hear you're off kilter. Maybe a day in the sewing room would help-it can't hurt, right?!
I get re-inspired by reading other peoples blogs about what they're working on. Get's me back in the mood to sew again. Hope you're back on track soon!
I read and just wait for it to pass. Hopefully, you will get back on track real soon!
Often if my train is off track, I read a very good long book. Something I can get totally lost in.
If my train crashes, well that requires serious fabric therapy and a trip to the quilt shop! LOL
That will definitely make you feel better. Sewing always helps me.
Hang in there. Hope you are back on track soon.
A quilters' day out is my prescription!
Sometimes I just make something small to get it finished and prove to myself I can do it. Or I sew simple squares together and don't make too many decisions about colour or layout. I'm sure you'll get on track soon.
I don't worry about it. This happens to me after the holidays, and after I spend days of sewing at quilting retreats. All my creativity feels spent. I find that cleaning my sewing area really helps. Sorting out magazines, refolding and organizing fabrics. Piecing some leftover batting---sorting out patterns, Sometimes I don't quilt at all, and start a machine embroidery project. I love machine embroidery, but get sidetracked with quilting. Machine embroidery can get my creative juices flowing again. Or a crafty type project that takes a little time. Making pillowcases for instance. Reading a good book. Cooking. Just take a break and enjoy it.
It depends. Does sewing help when you feel that way? If so, definitely get in there. If not, find something else that inspires you. Sometimes, getting outside helps me feel the need to hole up inside and do fun things.
I think sometimes after a lull it is hard to figure out where we were when we left off. Your knitting is beautiful; maybe if you keep doing that the quilting fever will strike again. I also think a visit to a quilt shop or blog reading might help.
Sorry to hear you feel derailed. I think it happens to all of us. Every once in awhile, I just need a break. Once I've had a good rest and focused on some other things, I'm ready to get back in the game.
Exactly how I've been feeling, Susan so I've decided to take a bit of a blogging break. Obviously I'm still reading them though. Hope you get back on track soon!
(skipping earlier comments until after I share mine)
#1 - I try not to worry because getting off track is part of the overall process. While I am not worrying, I pull out my notebook of articles and essays saved along the way to remember why it is okay to be derailed and off balance.
#2 - I spend some time actually cleaning my studio space (dusting, folding fabric, dealing with scraps instead of moving them around, re-shelving books, cleaning the baseboards, etc.). Amazing what one discovers!
#3- I try NOT to shop because I later regret most of what I bought (impulsive purchases do that to me)
#4 - Instead of shopping, I start re-folding and tidying my stash (and usually re-discover my love of fabric which leads to feeling more like myself again).
Thinking encouraging thoughts for you as you find your way back.
Glad to see that you are "back on track!!".
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