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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

MLQG Exhibit 2008

Here are a few snapshots of the exhibit that I took last night before the gallery was filled with nearly 200 people! The reception was a wonderful kick off for the exhibit and I think all of the quilts were well received...I heard nothing but oohs and ahhs all evening long!

Those of you who can't make it to see the show in person, don't worry...I'll be posting a closer look at all of the quilts throughout the month.


1. Granny said...

The quilts are very pretty and looks like they have a wonderful set up with the lighting!

2. Deb said...

OMG Susan, what amazing work has been put into the quilts. The thrill of seeing them all displayed will be fantastic for the group. Such a shame its so far for me to come and see them up close!!

3. quiltingnana said...

the lighting does make the quilts really stand out. Can't wait to see more.

4. Barb said...

Beautiful quilts and what a perfect display, thank you for sharing! I look forward to seeing more!

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