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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

8 Going on 18

Not long ago Miss One asked me if I could make a purse for her...it seems that our little grandgirl is growing up whether we like it or not. Today Miss One turns 8 years old and she's getting her big girl purse. I used the Handy Bags pattern by Designs to Share and am very pleased with how easily it went together and how it turned out. I also made a matching tissue holder and change purse to go along with it and once I add a little spending money she should be all set for a special birthday shopping trip!

1 comment:

1. Laura Argelati said...

Hi, I'm Laura from Italy! I have a blog and I'd wrote a post where is cited also your blog:


I'd like to invite you to visite my italian blog, bye bye Laura!

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