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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Travel Diaper Case

While shopping the baby department with my daughter-in-law a few weeks ago we came across a selection of small fabric diaper bags. The bags are designed to hold a couple of diapers and a package of travel wipes for those quick trips out with the baby when you don't need a big diaper bag. What a neat idea! We discussed buying one, but my daughter-in-law was insistent that I could make one just as nice or nicer than the one that was in the store. I thought about buying one to use as a pattern, but decided that I could probably find a pattern or tutorial online and sure enough, there is a great pattern available at Jan Andrea at home on the web. I added a 6 inch pocket to backside and a wrist strap to this one and had it completed in about an hour. It was a great way to use up the scraps leftover from the baby quilt that I just finished and will make a nice "bonus gift" to go with the quilt.

1 comment:

1. Alison said...

Susan, thank you for offering to do quilt squares for KidsQuilts. I will email you the mailing info as soon as I get home from the hospital. (My oldest had surgery Thursday). I can access blogs but can't send email as this is his laptop and the email stuff is all his!

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