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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

I Have To Share...

I just have to share this news report about the Mountain Laurel Quilt Guild's upcoming exhibit.  My friend, Kate, did such a wonderful job of explaining the heart and soul of our guild.  (You will also get a sneak peek at exhibit which opens this Friday!)


1. Quiltdivajulie said...

I am SO glad you shared this! I am too far away to see your fabulous exhibit in person so I love being able to share this sneak peek! What a marvelous interview!!

2. Barb said...

Wonderful!! Thanks for sharing

3. Jean(ie) said...

Sorry for your guild's loss. Mary Jane was a very special lady. I'm lucky in that I have a small item made by her, a pretty appliqué pincushion.

I know you love your guild like I love mine. It's a family.

4. Diane said...

thnks for sharing this. Your guild is so talented! Have a great show!

5. Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting that. I missed it on the home page of the site. What beautiful quilts! Great history and great outreach, too.

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