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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Lucky Streak!

I must be on a lucky streak, because I won another giveaway!  This lot came from Marsha at Quilter in Motion as part of the AMB Blog Tour.  I am so excited about these new American Made Brand (Yes, as in MADE IN AMERICA...farm to fabric all grown and made right here in the USA!) cotton solid fabrics!  I'm even more thrilled to have a charm pack with a wide assortment of the colors that AMB has to offer!  My first thought was to stitch these right up into a modern quilt, but first I think I will take them down to my local quilt shop with a little sales pitch about how nice it would be to have American made fabrics for sale in our quilt shops!  (Honestly though, the first thing I did after taking the photo was to open up the maple candy and read through the travel brochures!  My trip to Vermont is all planned....now I just need to convince my husband that we need a vacation!)


1. Anya said...

Congratulations! Go in September to see the original Jane Stickle quilt -- it's only a few hours away!

2. Barb said...

wow.....fun for you!!!!

3. Needled Mom said...

It would be nice to see more of the American made fabrics in the quilt shops.

Congratulations on your nice win. Have fun with it.

4. IHaveANotion ~ Kelly Jackson said...

Girl you deserve a vacation....lots of them!

Congrats on your win and the made in the US fabrics are so exciting! Good for you :)


5. Jean said...

Lucky you! Those fabrics look wonderful. I need to check at our local shop and see if they are going to carry them.

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