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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Mission Accomplished!

Remember the challenge to use these fabrics in a little art quilt that I accepted back at the end of October?  (If not, you can read about it HERE.) Even then I was questioning what kind of trouble I had gotten myself  into, but honestly I really didn't think this this little quilt would bring as much trouble as it did.  The real challenge for me wasn't the fabric selection, but it was all about the inspiration that just wouldn't come...until a skunk looking for a home for the winter found its way into our basement.  To make a long story short, for two very long weeks in November my house smelled very much of skunk and flower garden air fresheners.  Once my sense of humor returned, my quilty friend, Nancy, suggested that I commemorate the event with an art quilt.  Yes, the fabrics seemed to work with the theme, but how should I go about making a skunk
art quilt?  It was then that the old Pepe Le Pew cartoons came to mind...remember the waves of green stink that followed him everywhere he went?  That became my inspiration along with the floral scent that I used to try and cover up the skunky odor.  Now to decide on a name...  should it be, "OMG What's That Smell?" or "No Amount Of Air Freshener Is Ever Going To Cover Up This Stink!"?


1. Diane said...

It's absolutely wonderful-the story of inspiration; what can I say--oh my gosh!

2. Terry said...

What a great little quilt! Great story too! :0)

3. Anya said...

Love it! Though I'm sorry you had to have the skunk episode to be inspired!

4. Nanette said...

Love it, what a great way to turn something bad into something good. I like the second name,
No Amount Of Air Freshener Is Ever Going To Cover Up This Stink!

5. Kathy P said...

You certainly turned an awful experience into a fantastic quilt! How about "Scent-a-mental, memories of a skunk & air freshener".

6. Jocelyn said...

Very cool quilt!! Great job. And great story :-)

7. Deanna said...

I LOVE it! The waves and the geometric blocks are a great shape contrast and the color contrast is already there. Very appealing.

8. Quiltdivajulie said...

I rather like "Which Way Did He Go?" as a name . . . .

GREAT quilt!!!

9. Madalene Axford Murphy said...

A great quilt, Susan. I love the curves you created and the black and white check certainly fits your theme. Can't wait to see it in person.

10. Crystal said...

Haha! I love where you got the inspiration from, it turned out so lovely.

11. Janet said...

I'm amazed at how you got your inspiration but that was "making a silk purse out of a sows ear" story. Fabulous job of the challenge.

12. Vivian said...

Wonderful! Thanks for sharing your story. There's nothing better than something to pretty to remind a person of something so unpleasant.

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